This program was created
to help Ukrainians
- for Ukrainians who need psychological help and do not know how and where to get it in the Netherlands
- for Ukrainian professionals in the mental health field who live in the Netherlands and are looking for work in their specialty
- for municipalities and other organizations that need consultation on organizing psychosocial and culturally sensitive support for Ukrainians in the Netherlands
You can find answers to the popular questions here
How can I get psychological help?
1. You first need to make an appointment with your general practitioner (GP/huisarts).
The Dutch Healthcare system works in such a way that when the state of health deteriorates (both physical and mental) you should consult your family doctor first. The general practitioner is a doctor who does primary care and basic examination, can take tests, prescribe medication, refer to a narrow-profile specialist (including a psychologist), etc. If you already have a family doctor, call him and tell the doctor about your symptoms. An assistant will be able to answer your questions and make an appointment. If you do not have a family doctor, you can use it online platform for searching General practitioners "Arene" https://www.arene.nl/uk-ua/.
2. Check out the list of Ukrainian psychologists on our map.
3.You should describe in great detail the state of your psychological health and how it affects your quality of life. Use this attraction via the link.
4. Your doctor will refer you to the nearest mental health organization (MHO) where you can see a psychologist or other mental health professional (MHP).
5. To be able to see a GP, and therefore an MHP, you need to have health insurance.
6. When registering with a Dutch municipality, Ukrainian displaced persons receive a BSN (burgerservicenummer), a tax identification code. This is a unique personal number for any form of contract with public institutions in the Netherlands.
7. If you have a BSN, you are entitled to the program of medical care for displaced persons from Ukraine (RMO), a special health insurance.
8. If you don't yet have a BSN, you can still get your medical expenses reimbursed through the Subsidy for Necessary Medical Care for Uninsured Persons (SOV) Scheme. Read more about these types of insurance here.
We have also prepared for you some useful tips on communicating with your General Practitioner in the Netherlands.
I urgently need psychological help
In the Netherlands, it is generally accepted that the cases in which urgent psychological help is needed are those cases where there is a threat to life (yours or another person's).
If you or someone you know is worried about suicidal thoughts, call 113.
If a person near you is in danger or their behavior threatens the safety of others, call 112.
He also has the right to receive outpatient psychiatric care only after a prior written referral from a general practitioner (the company doctor, a physician-coordinator for psychiatric care or a medical specialist in accordance with the decree on the referral of psychiatric care) and this does not apply to crisis care, however, for any which treatment, which is carried out after the end of the crisis situation, requires a referral.
You can also use our hotline.
How do I find a mental health professional in my city?
To find a mental health specialist, follow the link and use our map of psychologists.
How much does it cost to get mental health help?
If you are a Ukrainian or a resident of third countries, which are considered under effect of the directive on the temporary protection of Ukrainians - you fall under medical assistance scheme for displaced persons RMO. Regulations on medical care of displaced persons (RMO) is a provision that allows you to get help refugees from Ukraine.
From July 1, RMO applies to employees and unemployed refugees from Ukraine who are registered in the BRP and respectively have a BSN. This means you don't have to buy your own health insurance and you are automatically covered by RMO.
RMO also covers psychological care. If you don't have a BSN - you can still get one reimbursement of your medical expenses through the Scheme subsidies for necessary medical care for the uninsuredpersons (SAC). Read more about these types of insurance here
I am a Ukrainian mental health professional, how do I join Empatia?
The process consists of seven steps.
Step 1. Applying – collecting information about your education and experience.
Step 2. A screening of your education and professional background and inclusion of your candidacy in the database of potential candidates.
Step 3. Matching with a potential employer in the same geographical areas, travel time can be required sometimes.
To increase your chances for paid employment, your higher education diplomas need to be assessed and validated in the Netherlands. The validation of your diploma is temporarily free for Ukrainians. Validation is done by the International Credential Evaluation (IDW). You can read more about the diploma validation process here.
Step 4. Preparation for an interview with a potential employer in the mental health industry.
Step 5. Signing an employment contract with MHO as soon as possible. Usually within a few days upon the completion of the interview.
Step 6. Onboarding at your new place of work.
Step 7. Follow-up and personal development (intervision, supervision, training) for each psychologist.